Our company, Sandimas Group is based in Jakarta, Indonesia, and has been a prominent building material supplier across the nation for over 30 years. Sandimas provides a wide range of commercial, industrial and residential building supplies specializing in floor tiles & sanitary wares related products. Since 1987, S ...
MEFORZE merupakan produk bahan bangunan dan interior untuk kategori lantai yang dikenal dengan produk Lantai Kayu (Laminate Flooring) dan Lantai Vinyl (Vinyl Floor) serta berbagai macam aksesoris profil pendukungnya. MEFORZE mulai didistribusikan di Indonesia oleh PT.Global Synergy Indokharisma pada tahun 2010 dan a ...
Company Philosophy In 1974, The Thai Olympic Fiber-Cement Co.,Ltd., was founded with the aim of producing fiber cement roofing under the brand "Ha Huang" (meaning 'five circles' in Thai), which served as the solid foundation and the source for nurturing the commitment, inspiration and skills among staff from generat ...
PT. Composite Solutions is an exclusive sole agent to distribute the Green Resources Material which station in Jakarta . Our products were produced in Indonesia by PT. Green Resources Material under PT. Latrade Batam Indonesia, with their effort in striving to project the environment, and continuous research and develo ...
The new Tapiflex Excellence 80 is an extremely durable AND acoustic vinyl flooring solution for heavy traffic applications. Thanks to its high-density foam backing, it offers an excellent sound reduction (19dB), good underfoot comfort and easy rollability, while offering a durable resistance to indentation (0,80mm). ...
CONWOOD INDONESIA We believe that by using less natural wood, the world will remain as beautiful as it is today. Conwood is a leading force for innovation in the Fiber-cement industry, and is constantly devising products for a better world. We have employed technological expertise from Switzerland to develop envir ...
Meigan Vinyl merupakan jenis lantai vinyl yang ideal untuk Anda yang mencari suasana yang hangat dan nyaman, serta menciptakan gaya modern esensial di dalam rumah. Meigan Vinyl - an eco-friendly flooring that manufactured in South Korea Factories with new advanced technology and cool design wood looks.
PHOMI, the pioneering patented brand in manufacturing modified clay material is the industry leader in the world of eco or green building materials. Recognized by the Green Building Materials Industry as the fore-bearer of iconic innovative cutting-edge materials, our company’s vision is to create a more environmenta ...
PT. Tanjung Kreasi Parquet Industry is a wooden floor manufacturer established in 1994 in Indonesia, and a member of DSN group, a public company listed in 2013. The company is specializing in production of Engineered Wood Flooring which has been renowned as TEKA Parquet Brand. The factory is located in Temanggung Centr ...
KROYA bukan sekedar lantaI kayu biasa. Setiap lantai KROYA dibuat dari kayu Indonesia paling eksotis dan diolah dengan teknologi tinggi, sehingga menghasilkan lantai kayu yang Indah dan menjadi kepercayaan bagi mereka para arsitek dan desainer interior
Viridi is a smart decking composite . Kayu komposit pengganti kayu tropis sebagai bahan yang sustainable dan kuat terhadap cuaca outdoor. Bahannya yang terbuat dari Wood Flour (Reclaimed Timber), Recycled HDPE, 1.0% maximum Moisture Content @ 25°C dan bahan aditif lainnya (Bliders, UV Stabilizers, Anti Mould Agents, ...
PT Kayu Asri Indonesia Berdiri pada tahun 2010, Awal mula berdiri kami sebagai importir produk kayu wood plastic composite. Kemudian Pada tahun 2012, PT Kayu Asri Indonesia Mendirikan Sebuah Pabrik Manufacturing yang megkhususkan diri pada produk Wood Plastic Composite (WPC) yang berbasis di Jakarta (indonesia). Wood P ...
DUMA® Premium Composite Door was first introduced to the Indonesian market on the year 2008 by PT. Sumber Djaja Perkasa. At that time, DUMA® Premium Composite Door became the first wood plastic composite door to be produced in Indonesia. DUMA® Premium Composite Door has been tested for its resistance against ground ...
Milan Ecowood, adalah perusahaan yang sedang tumbuh dan mengembangkan teknologi terbaru dalam memproduksi "Kayu Komposit" yang memiliki tampilan dan tekstur seperti halnya kayu alami. Kami memiliki setidaknya 300 profil dan masih mengembangkan model-model baru untuk permintaan yang terus berkembang. Kayu Komposit terbu ...
Lantekayu has been in businness since 2001. Our unique passion shape the way we do business today Experience Excellence Lantekayu tries hard to give people comprehensive solution. The first solution is getting the finest material. From refined solid wood floors to the surprisingly unique materials. The second ...
WOODPLANK® ELEPHANT® merupakan produk inovasi baru dari PT. SIAM-INDO CONCRETE PRODUCTS dan NO SATU di Indonesia. WOODPLANK® ELEPHANT® hadir sebagai produk pengganti papan kayu yang indah, awet, dan anti rayap. Beralihlah, dan ganti papan kayu pada Lisplank, Pagar, Plafon, serta Dekorasi Dinding Anda dengan WOODPLA ...
PT Woodcare Indonesia is a supplier of wood finishing materials and various kinds of wood industry needs that focuses on the latest technology, modern, and environmentally friendly with International/EU standards. Our main product is wood coating for indoor and outdoor which has various advantages. - Water based sy ...
Resysta - Sekilas Pengantar Re-Holz adalah satu-satunya distributor resmi Resysta, bahan bangunan yang terbuat dari bahan ramah lingkungan 100%, yang telah dipatenkan di seluruh dunia. Membayangkan Indonesia yang lebih baik, Re-Holz memperkenalkan bahan bangunan hijau untuk menggantikan penggunaan kayu tropis dan WP ...
PT Kreasi Indah Cemerlang is an industrial company engaged in wood processing with export orientation since 1994. Specializing in Solid Finished Flooring TNG 4S, Ladder Wood Flooring, Decking, Wall Panel and other Housing Components. Our brand Courtina is complemented with certification of the Indonesia Forest Verifi ...
PT. Satya Djaya Raya Trading Coy selaku Main Distributor produk Lantai Kayu “GRACEWOOD” merupakan salah satu anak usaha dari Holding Company terkemuka Lyman Group yang dirintis oleh Alm. Bp. Susanta Lyman pada sekitar tahun 1950-an dan hingga saat ini telah terdiversifikasi menjadi 5 divisi usaha antara lain : Timb ...
PT. Etex Building Performance Indonesia (dahulu PT. Eternit Gresik) adalah pelopor produsen papan fiber semen terkemuka di Indonesia selama lebih dari 40 tahun. PT. Etex Building Performance Indonesia (dahulu PT. Eternit Gresik) didirikan pada tahun 1971 dan mulai beroperasi di tahun 1973. Keahlian kami, sistem mutu te ...
Crona menyediakan produk-produk adhesive untuk berbagai keperluan dan bidang antara lain: - Lem Kayu - Lem HPL & PVC Sheet - Lem Carpet, Vinyl, & Wallpaper - Mortar/ Semen Instan - Instant Repairmen Product
Indonesia's best feature walls & ceilings solution! The appearance of natural wood in interior and exterior decoration is still the main choice of the client, but the difficulty of getting good quality solid wood and easy maintenance is still a challenge for Designers to provide a perfect alternative to their client ...
SAMPOERNA KAYOE, Sampoerna Kayoe is a leading processed timber products company in Indonesia. With over 800 thousand m3 in processing capacity, we have one of the largest processing capacities in Indonesia and are among the top five tropical hardwood plywood producers globally. with 30 years experience in Indonesia, ...
Kami merupakan Distributor Resmi Bona di Indonesia. Bona adalah pelopor industri perawatan lantai kayu yang aman untuk lantai, keluarga, dan lingkungan.di dunia. Direkomendasikan oleh para profesional sejak 1919. Kami menyediakan produk untuk pemasangan, perawatan dan renovasi lantai kayu. memasang, merenovasi, mem ...
Salam Sejahtera, PT Sehati Sukses Sejahtera sebagai perusahaan retail dan distribusi untuk kayu komposit/WPC karena melihat kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia akan ALTERNATIF produk kayu berkualitas, dalam pengertian tahan cuaca tropis yang dapat membuat produk kayu menjadi pudar, memuai, atau dapat terkena rayap, seka ...
DecoArt are committed to providing innovative, high-quality solutions to your deco-rating needs. With a deep understanding of market experience, smart factory technology, R&D design capabilities, and green environ-mental commitment, we will help you create a unique atmosphere in indoor and outdoor scenes DecoArt wal ...
ENC Solid Wood embarks on a journey to redefine the art of woodworking. Mastering the craft from its origins, we seamlessly cater to both international and local aspirations, attuned to the desires of discerning markets. we uncover a truth far richer than market trends—woodworking is an intricate dance of nature, art ...
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