ARMSTRONG Ceilings is Global leader in the design & manufacture of commercial & residential ceiling, wall & suspension system solutions. Founded in 1860 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. On October 2019, Knauf Gips KG (with its brand, Knauf AMF) and Armstrong Ceiling Solutions joined forces, establishing the newly f ...
PT. Composite Solutions is an exclusive sole agent to distribute the Green Resources Material which station in Jakarta . Our products were produced in Indonesia by PT. Green Resources Material under PT. Latrade Batam Indonesia, with their effort in striving to project the environment, and continuous research and develo ...
FLEXIWALL merupakan produk alternatif material alami yang terbuat dari bahan dasar batu dan tanah liat. Material memiliki integritas warna dan kekuatan yang sama dengan batu alami dengan beban yang jauh lebih ringan dan harga yang begitu kompetitif. FLEXIWALL memiliki desain, warna dan bentuk yang tidak terbatas. Po ...
Since 1991 At Pelangi, our commitment is to give the best quality, design and service. We are one of the leading manufacturers of High Pressure Laminate (HPL) decorative sheets in Indonesia with 25 years of experience and clients from reputable domestic and international companies. Carefully selected kraft and decor ...
Gyproc merupakan merek dagang asal Perancis yang bergerak di bidang industri papan gypsum. Perusahaan ini mulai melayani masyarakat Indonesia sejak sembilan tahun yang lalu. Produk Gyproc diperkenalkan di Indonesia sejak tahun 2007 oleh Saint-Gobain Indonesia. Demi memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik. Gyproc Indonesia ...
MOSAICART is a new way of looking at decoration. It's not just a wall cover, it's an art that become part of the interior design. MOSAICART is all about pattern. Combining technology, innovation and craftsmanship, each fragment of MOSAICART is unique and carefully designed to create a unique character to improve the sp ...
Yoshino Gypsum adalah perusahaan Jepang yang memiliki perjalanan sejarah 120 tahun memproduksi dan menjual papan gypsum. Dengan teknologi kami yang telah terakumulasi dalam perjalanan sejarah yang panjang, kami mampu mewujudkan kecepatan produksi tercepat di dunia, dan kami yakin atas kestabilan produksi produk berkua ...
1999 Company Founder start to sell and distribute PVC Laminate Sheet (Decon & Supercon) and vinyl edging to furniture factories under the name of CV. Bintang Timur. 2007 As the business expanding and growing, CV. Bintang Timur changed name to Cipta Semula and thus, PT. Cipta Semula was established and started to s ...
PT. Powerblock Indonesia Adalah sebuah perusahaan produsen AAC Block (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan bata ringan, produsen Dry Mortar (Semen Instan), Waterproofing (Pelapis Anti Bocor) dan produsen AAC Panel. Menempati area seluas 15 hektar di daerah Jawilan kabupaten Serang ...
PT. Powerblock Indonesia Adalah sebuah perusahaan produsen AAC Block (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block) atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan bata ringan, produsen Dry Mortar (Semen Instan), Waterproofing (Pelapis Anti Bocor) dan produsen AAC Panel. Menempati area seluas 15 hektar di daerah Jawilan kabupaten Serang ...
VOX CAPITAL GROUP VOX is a European company that has been operating in the building materials and home furnishing market since 1992. We have five high-tech factories and distribution centers located in Europe and India. Our products are present in five continents and over 60 countries. We offer over 20,000 products, ...
Clayxible, product flexible cladding material dimana product kami ini merupakan product baru yang revolusioner hasil produksi anak bangsa, produk yang hemat energy dimana proses pemasangannya mudah dan cepat. Clayxible adalah bahan finishing bangunan terbaru, memiliki berbagai tipe motif dan warna sehingga product ...
Is not just an innovative supplier of components but places the focus above all on customer oriented system solutions – from individual development to an integrated approach. Sustainability in the sense of economic, environmental and social responsibility and the use of durable and reusable materials is very importan ...
Balian Decorative hadir sejak tahun 2019 dengan segudang inovasi baru di dunia Home Decorative, khususnya untuk dekorasi interior. Kami menghadirkan material premium inovatif untuk keperluan dekorasi interior, seperti SPC Flooring (Dekorasi Lantai), Wall Panel (Dekorasi Dinding), dan Wall Storage (Dekorasi Penyimpanan ...
PT Delta Supreme Indonesia (DSI) melalui brand PIKA, telah menjadi penyedia solusi pintu dan perabot kayu berkualitas tinggi. PT DSI juga bekerja sama menyediakan layanan pemasangan untuk merk merk terkemuka lainnya.
Ecophon merupakan salah satu dari 100 grup industri teratas dunia, Saint-Gobain yang merupakan pemimpin dunia dalam pasar habitat dan konstruksi, dengan fokus kuat pada keberlanjutan dan inovasi. Saint-Gobain Ecophon mengembangkan, memproduksi, dan memasarkan produk, serta sistem akustik yang berkontribusi pada lingkun ...
RODECA GmBH is a manufacturing company that has over 40 years of experience in producing Polycarbonate seamless jointed panels and has become the European market leader for thermoplastic facade design RODECA panel systems are extruded thermoplastic multi-cell polycarbonate panels for wall and roof applications. A wi ...
PT. Winata Jaya Utama is an engineering service company specialized in Insulated Sandwich Panel System for prefabricated, modular building, applications as well as clean room, food and beverage processing room, cold storage, partitioning purpose, etc. We provide material and installations for various range of Insulate ...
DecoArt are committed to providing innovative, high-quality solutions to your deco-rating needs. With a deep understanding of market experience, smart factory technology, R&D design capabilities, and green environ-mental commitment, we will help you create a unique atmosphere in indoor and outdoor scenes DecoArt wal ...
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