Category : Architecture & Interior

PT. Tanjung Kreasi Parquet Industry

PT. Tanjung Kreasi Parquet Industry is a wooden floor manufacturer established in 1994 in Indonesia, and a member of DSN group, a public company listed in 2013. The company is specializing in production of Engineered Wood Flooring which has been renowned as TEKA Parquet Brand. The factory is located in Temanggung Centr ...

Sampoerna Kayoe

Pengalaman Lebih dari 40 Tahun di Industri Kayu. “Didirikan pada tahun 1978, kami mengawali perjalanan sebagai produsen dalam industri hilir kayu olahan tanpa konsesi hutan alam atau pun hutan tanaman industri.” Selama 40 tahun terakhir, kami fokus terutama pada penelitian dan pengembangan, kemampuan manajeme ...

PT Woodcare Indonesia

PT Woodcare Indonesia is a supplier of wood finishing materials and various kinds of wood industry needs that focuses on the latest technology, modern, and environmentally friendly with International/EU standards. Our main product is wood coating for indoor and outdoor which has various advantages. - Water based sy ...

PT. Suryametal Nusasejati

Apa itu STONE FLOOR, material baru untuk finishing lantai Stone Floor memiliki tampilan, warna dan desain yang variatif, dapat dikombinasikan untuk menciptakan kesan ruang yang modern ataupun klasik. Memiliki ketahanan yang lebih baik dengan perawatan yang mudah, dapat dipergunakan untuk ruangan - ruangan di bangu ...


Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. We develop specific flooring and wall solutions to meet every indoor market application need : housing, healthcare, education, sport, retail, industry, offices, hospitality and transport vehicle ...

PT. Elok Cipta Prosperindo

Houten Vloeren is a company that manufactures and sells production of item made of wood, which was founded in 2008 so that the products of Houten Vloeren have a good reputation in the sight of international and local customers. Houten Vloeren always put the quality of the products produced by monitoring all existing ...


Kami merupakan Distributor Resmi Bona di Indonesia. Bona adalah pelopor industri perawatan lantai kayu yang aman untuk lantai, keluarga, dan lingkungan.di dunia. Direkomendasikan oleh para profesional sejak 1919. Kami menyediakan produk untuk pemasangan, perawatan dan renovasi lantai kayu. memasang, merenovasi, mem ...